Faculty Achievements
Best Article

Dr. Madhuri Bhide, HOD of Samhita Siddhant and Sanskrit, and Dr. Vasudha Asutkar (Co-author)have been honoured with the Dr. Sunanda Ranade & Dr. Subhash Ranade Foundation Award for their article, "Purishvaha Srotas: An Integrative Approach Between Asian Traditional Medicines in View of Microbes," published in Ayurved Patrika (February 2025). Recognized for its scholarly excellence, they received a prize of ₹1,000. This achievement highlights their dedication to advancing integrative approaches in traditional medicine.
Session in National Seminar as Resource Person
Dr. Prasad Pandkar, Associate Professor, delivered an invited lecture as a resource person at the National Seminar on Ayurvedic Perspectives on Cardiovascular Diseases on January 10, 2025, at JJ Magdum Ayurvedic Medical College in Jaysingpur, Maharashtra.

Oral Presentation
Oral Presentation by Dr. Kirti Bhati, Professor and HOD of Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga on “Holistic perspective of Ayurved tradition need of era” in “7th Edition of International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies" in September 07, 2024 at Madrid, Spain.

Vaidya Sundarlal Joshi Shikshan Prasar (excellency in Ayurved education)
Vice Principal Prof. Dr. Manasi Deshpande was warded 'Vaidya Sundarlal Joshi Shikshan Prasar' (excellency in Ayurved education ) by MAM University and Mahagujarat Medical society, J S Ayurved college Nadiad, Gujrat on 1st September 2024.

Best PhD Thesis Presentation award
Dr. Tejaswini Prasad Babar, Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Vignyan , received the “Best PhD Thesis Presentation award” at Global Academic’s excellence awards 2024, held in Bankok, Thailand on 28th July 2024. Topic of thesis presented was “Efficacy of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz.) in experimental model of letrozole induced PCOS in rat.” was well appreciated by resource persons and delegates from different countries.

APCMT 2024 (Asia - Pacific Congress on Medicine Today)
Dr Sachin Rangrao Patil, Assistant Professor (Department of Rachana Sharira) was invited as a Speaker during 2nd APCMT 2024 (Asia - Pacific Congress on Medicine Today) at Tamachi, Tokyo Japan on13 May 2024. He successfully delivered on topic "Study of investigation range of fecal calprotectin and its role in retention of feces caused by non-obstructive constipation".

Training for Entrepreneurship Development : Vd. Shobhit Chandra Shekhar Dave
Our Faculty member Vd. Shobhit Chandra Shekhar Dave, Department of Agadtantra, received Certificate from NCISM member Shri Kamlesh Dwiwedi ji on completion of Training for Entrepreneurship Development conducted at NI-MSME, Hyderabad sponsored by NCISM

National Essay Writing Competition Award : Dr. Madhura Phadtare

Dr. Madhura Phadtare faculty member of BV(DU) College of Ayurveda College, Pune Wins 1st Prize in National Essay Writing Competition.
Dr. Madhura Phadtare, Assistant Professor in the Rasashastra department at Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University College of Ayurveda, Pune, has clinched the prestigious 1st prize in the late Vd. Nanal National Competition for Essay Writing. The theme of her award-winning essay was "Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Curse."
This year marked the centenary celebration of the organizing Tilak Ayurveda College, and for the first time, a category for Faculty and Professionals was introduced.
The award ceremony on 8th February 2024 was graced by the presence of esteemed personalities of Rashtriya Shikshan Mandal,Pune and Tilak Ayurveda College,Pune . Dr. Phadtare received the honor from Dr. Doiphode - (Former president of Rashtriya Shikshan Mandal, Pune).
V. M. Gogte Vanaushadi Award

Vice Principal Prof. Dr. M.M. Deshapande received the "V. M. Gogte Vanaushadi Award" by Vaidya Khadiwale Vaidyakiya Samshodhan Sanstha, on 28th January at Dhanwantari Auditorium Pune. It was awarded for her 33 of dedication to Dravya Guna Vigyan (Ayurvedic Pharmacology) as outstanding academician and researcher.