Student Support Cell
Student Support Cell of Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) College of Ayurved, Pune has been established from Academic year 2010-2011. This is a student centric cell which works mainly for the complete development & progress of students. This cell guides the students who need help to solve their problems. It has preserved a data of each undergraduate student focusing on general official information, year wise result, co- curricular & extracurricular excellence, participation & achievements etc.
To support the students for their all-round development & help them in the time of crisis.
- To motivate students for their academic progress.
- To encourage students for co-curricular & extracurricular participation at college, university & national levels
- To pay attention towards personality development of students.
- To give psychological support, counseling if needed.
- To maintain a record of academically weak or fail students & to make probable action plan if necessary for their better improvement.
- To arrange guest-lectures on syllabus topics, morals, career guidance etc.
- To preserve a record of monthly meetings of guardian teachers with their concerned wards.
- To arrange yearly parent – teacher meetings.
Committee for Student Support Cell
Chairman - Dr.Abhijeet Patil, Principal, BVDUCOA . Pune
Co-coordinators :-
- Dr. Madhuri Pawar, Professor and Head of Dept. of Rasashastra Bhaishajya Kalpana
- Dr. Vasudha Asutkar, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Samhita & Siddhant
Awareness Lecture : Introduction to Blood Banking - Feb. 2024
Awareness Lecture : Introduction to Blood Banking - Feb. 2024
Fitness Session : 04/04/22
Fitness Session on 04/04/22
On the occasion of "World Health Day", a fitness session was organized by School of Physiotherapy of BVDU Medical Hospital, Pune on 4th April 2022, for teaching staff of Ayurved College. Twenty two teachers participated with interest, keenness and enthusiasm. Physiotherapist Dr. Ketaki Kulkarni took fitness session with great devotion. The session began by seeking the blessings of the Almighty by chanting of Omkara. Asanas starting with warming up and stretching were followed by a Marjarasan, Vajrasan, Suryanamaskara etc and ending with Aerobic fitness with cool down exercise. Exercises were done for relieving stress, reducing pain and enhancing the flexibility of muscles for the benefit of volunteers. Session became fruitful with an interaction between the instructor and the teachers.
Dr. Madhuri Pawar and Dr. Savita Nilakhe (In-charges of Student Support Cell) organized this session and owe vote of thanks to her and Principal of BV(DU) CoA, Pune

Platelet Donation Campaign program : 16/03/22
Platelet Donation Campaign program on 16/03/22
Student support cell of BVDU, College of Ayurved has organized Platelet Donation Campaign program on 16.03.22 for Second BAMS students.
Mr. Veeshwajeet Kashid [Goodwill Ambassador for Platelets Donation India] was invited as a guest speaker. With a short story of his journey from software engineer to Ambassador, he explained detail about the need, pros and cons of blood donation. Scientific methodological approach for platelet collection, storage and usefulness of platelets have been nicely elucidated in his speech. Awareness regarding platelet donation was very aptly generated in students, which was delivered impressively by him through audio-visual aids.
Dr. Madhuri Pawar, Secretary of Student Support Cell has conducted this program and owe her thanks to him for delivering and enlightening the facts and necessity of platelet donation.

Celebration of International Women's Day : 08/03/2022
Celebration of "International Women's Day" on 08/03/2022
On 08/03/2022, Dr. Nilam Anil Bansode, a physician of Ayurveda-Yoga and working for women health at Shree Vishwanand Ayurvedic Chikitsalay, Pune was invited for a guest lecture on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2022.
In interactive session, she explicated her inspiring journey in easy-going talk. She explained various platforms available for women for their self-grooming and development. For women health and empowerment, one would take a lead to work for those needy and optimistic women, is the take home message received to third and fourth year BAMS students.
Dr. Madhuri Pawar, Secretary of Student Support Cell has enlighten the need to work for Women and owe her thanks to speaker and authorities of BVDUCOA

Motivational Lecture 21/12/2021 for UG students
Motivational Lecture organized on 21/12/2021 for UG students
Student Support Cell organized a motivational lecture of Mr. Raghavan Koli, an Author and Motivational speaker for UG students on 21.12.21. Dr. Madhuri Pawar has given brief introduction and thanks giving was done by Dr. Savita Nilakhe.
A smart delivery with some good examples and fluent talk, he had captured all students. Happiness and motivation in life should be maintained despite of different vibrant distraction modes what you are experiencing - is the important message he gave to all students.
His examples which are very close to students made them happy and smiley too. Thorough the impact of his lecture was too positive on all students. The lecture was a motivational force what he generated through his lecture.

Youth Day Celebrations : 13/01/2021
Youth Day Celebrations : 13/01/2021
As per the guidelines given by UGC No.F 1-1/2021(secrey) dated 7th January 2021, Student Support Cell of Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to Be University) College of Ayurved, Pune have celebrated national youth day. On this occasion, an essay competition for undergraduate students was organized on 13/01/2021 on the topic “An Ideal Youth in perspective of Swami Vivekananda’’
Twenty four students were actively participated in the activity with full enthusiasm. All safety precautions like sanitization, physical distancing etc. were strictly taken by the organizers as well as participants.

Vigilant India, Prosperous India - 05/11/20
“Vigilant India, Prosperous India’’ 5/11/2020
College has conducted program regarding ‘Vigilance Awareness Week’ on 5th of November 2020 as per directives of UGC. This program was based on the theme ‘Vigilant India, Prosperous India’.
The pledge narrated in letter of UGC [D.O.No. F 30-57/2012(CVO) dated on 12th October 2020] was explained to all students. Objectives and values regarding anti corruption mission was entirely clarified to them. Students were motivated to think and act honestly to eradicate bribe related awful incidences. To propagate awareness for anti corruption and to develop good faith, oath was taken by all students with depth and sincerity.

Student Support Activity in Year 2019-20
Student Support Activity in Year 2019-20
- Parent Teacher meeting: Meeting was organized for newly admitted students in I BAMS and their parents on 12 August 2019. First year academic in-charges Dr. Kavita Indapurkar and Dr. Vasudha Asutkar had taken efforts to organize the meet. Honorable Principal of BV [DU] college of Ayurved addressed to parents and students regarding academics [teaching-learning process] and motivated students with his nice words.
- Conduction of examination [Extra-curricular activity]: Every year Student Support Cell plan several innovative programs such as some motivational guest lectures based on personality development, value based education etc. for the better development of students. Organization of examination conducted by Vivekananda Kendra is one important task for students reflecting into their better upliftment. Every year Students are inspired to attempt an examination organized by Vivekananda Kendra. This year examination was scheduled for first BAMS students. Vivekananda Kendra conducts this examination on one book based on the informative literature of Swami Vivekananda. Kendra has conducted an online MCQ examination. Around 60 students have been participated in the examination conducted in the month of September 2019. After examination one day workshop was also organized by Kendra. Around 12 students of Ayurved College were benefitted by it.
- Induction Programme and cultural event for Ist BAMS student: Induction programme organized for first BAMS students to develop their insight with different aspects of personality development. In this programme, in collaboration with Sanskrit Samita siddhant department in-charges of SSC executed a news bulletin -A blend of fiction from celebrities; mischief from cooking and fun of exercise in 12 October 2019
Presenter: Dr.Madhuri Bhide, Dr. Madhuri Pawar , Dr.Savita Nilakhe and Dr. Vasudha Asutkar
- Organization of Shlok Manjiri competition for first and second BAMS students: In collaboration with Sanskrit Samhita siddhanta and Rasashastra Bhaishajya kalpana department, Student Support cell of BVDU college of Ayurved conducted ‘Shlok Manjiri’ competition for first and second BAMS students on 03/12/19 and 06/01/20. The objective for organizing competition is to upgrade their Samhita based Knowledge through recitation of Verses stated in Ashtang Hridaya, Sharangdhar samhita and Madhv Nidan. 10 students from first year and 6 students from II year participated in the programme. Dr. Swati Gadgil and Dr. Savita Nilakhe were worked as coordinators and Judges.
Student Support Activity in Year 2018-19
Student Support Activity in Year 2018-19
Ayurveda Day Celebration: On the occasion of Dhantrayodashi
Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) College of Ayurved has celebrated "Ayurveda Day" on 30 Oct 2018 as per directives of Dept of AYUSH, New Delhi.
In this regards, Student support Cell in charges Dr. Madhuri Pawar , Dr Savita Nilakhe and HOD of Dravyaguna department, Dr. Mansi Deshpande have organized a guest lecture for III & IV BAMS students. The honorable guest speaker was Dr. G. P Prasad, assistant Director-In charge, Regional Ayurved institute of Fundamental Research, C.C.R.A.S, Ministry of AYUSH, Pune. Dr. Prasad revealed the ‘Social Media Platform for AYUSH’ to students. In his lecture the detailed information about AYUSH dept activities, Websites and Social media sites were highlighted. Students were motivated to use this social media tools to upgrade knowledge and propagate Ayurved health science globally.

Celebration of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti
Student Support cell of BVDU, college of Ayurved celebrated the Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi at college in October 2018. Skit (Regarding AHINSA the only solution on Violence), Speech (Morals and Good conducts based on Thoughts of Mahatma Gahdhiji) and Mass Pledge (Based on Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan) were the various event of this program. Morals of Father of Nation were very appropriately projected by the students.

Health Check-up Camp
Health Check-up Camp was organized by BVDU College of Ayurved and Hospital on 07/07/18 and 08/07/18 for Warkaris of Sant Tukaram and Sant Dyneshwar Maharaj Palakhi Ceremony.
UG and PG students of the college enthusiastically participated in the activity.
About 1500 Warkaris were benefitted with this check-up. Health-related guidance and essential required medicines were provided to them.
For this activity, wholehearted support was provided by Hon. Principal, Director of Ayurved Hospital and Student Support Cell in charges of BVCOA

Student Support Activity in Year 2016-17
Student Support Activity in Year 2016-17
Guest lecture
International speaker Dr Lina Thakar, founder and director of Ayurveda integrative wellness institute Pittsburgh, USA. Organized for IV B.A.M.S students on 2 July 2016

Student support cell has inspired students to participate in Mind education camp on 18th March 2016. For this program 20 students of BVDU College of Ayurved were participated.
Self defense program
Self defense program for girl students was organized in Rajiv Gandhi college of Biotechnology, BVDU on 22 March 2016 by BVDU Student support cell. In this program, 12 female students of BVDU College of Ayurved were participated.
On the occasion of 153rd birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda
Guest lecture of Mr. Dada Ramadasi, a follower of Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhiji on 12 Jan 2016 for BAMS students and exhibition on Swami Vivekananda Jeevan Charitra were organized

The program was organized in collaboration with Radio Mirchi, Pune.

Student Support Activity in Year 2015-16
Student Support Activity in Year 2015-16
Art of Mind Control by Akshaya Patra Foundation for I BAMS students (31-7-15).

Career Guidance program : For Intern students on 04/04/15
Speakers: Dr. Supriya Bhalerao, Dr. Girish Tillu and Dr. Asmita Wele

Art of learning of ‘’CharakSamhita’’ by heart for III BAMS & PG students (31-3-15).