Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be) University organized Inter- Collegiate Chess Tournament for two days from 21st August 2023 at BV(DU)College of Ayurveda. International Grand Master Hon. Mr. Anup Deshmukh, Maharashtra Chess Association treasurer Mr. Rajendra Konde, Principal Prof. Dr. Abhijit B. Patil, Vice Principal Dr. Rahul Kadam and Sports director Dr. Netaji Jadhav were present at the inauguration ceremony.
132 contestants participated in this competition from 18 colleges including Karad, Navi Mumbai, Sangli, Satara. The College of Engineering team established its dominance in the tournament with securing first prize in Boys and Girls whereas among girls team, BV(DU) Homeopathy Medical college, Pune team received the runner-up title while Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development (IMED), Pune team bagged the runners-up title in Boys category. The prize distribution ceremony was concluded by the Vice Principal Dr. Rahul Kadam for which Mr. Rajendra Konde, Dr. Bharat Rokade and Dr. Umesh Ghate were present. The competition was coordinated by Ms. Samina Bohra and the vote of thanks was given by Ms. Astha Mohan.
Participation of students in Sports Competition
During gathering days from 12th Feb to 16th Feb students had a great time on our campus playground. Many students participated in different sports and others enjoyed by cheering up their colleagues. The girls cricket team of 1st yr BAMS was the final champion. In other sports too 1t yr students worked hard and achieved success.
Students participated in different sports were:
Cricket (Boys)
Sujit Jadhav, Ravi Kumar, Sumit Atolkar, Pradeep Khendad, Sanket Dudhe, Aniket Jakulwar, Sagar Sharma, Harshvardhan, Aashish Sharma, Ayush Pal, Rushikesh Thakre, Shubham Jagtap, Pratik Ugle, Aru Mahesh
Cricket (Girls)
Aarti Desai, Siddhi Yewale,Yatika Rana, Tejal Mahalpure, Sonam Bharre, Subhangi Waghe, Neha Salunkhe, Anushka Kanki, Shrutika Jadhav, Mansi Raskar, Rama Bendale, Priyanshi, Dhanashri kakde
Kabaadi (Boys)
Sujit Jadhav, Aashish Sharma, Sanket Dudhe, Ravi Kumar, Ayush Pal, Prakash Ranjan, Pradeep Khendad
Kabaadi (Girls)
Sanika Chavan, Neha Salunkhe, Neha Gharghe, Rutuja Parbhane, Madhuri Jaishwal, Snehal Shedge, Dhanashri Kakde,Sana Mujawar.
Kho Kho (Boys)
Aru Mahesh, Pradip Khendad, Harshvardhan, Sanket Dudhe, Ashish Sharma, Pratik Ugle, Sumit Atolkar, Sagar Sharma, Shubham Jagtap
Kho kho (Girls)
Tejal Mahalpure, Anushka Kanki, Dhanashri kakde, Aarti Desai, Saniya Bhingarkar, Sonal Khade, Siddhi Yewale, Suvarna Deshmukh
Relay (Boys)
Sanket Dudhe, Pradip Khendad, Ashish Sharma, Sumit Atolkar.
Relay (Girls)
Suvarna Deshmukh, Anushka Kanki, Sonam Bharre, Saniya Bhingarkar.
Tug of war (Boys)
Sujit Jadhav, Shubham Jagtap, Shubham Vispute, Omkar Myakal, Vipul Shivsharan, Anas Shaikh
Volley Ball
Rushikesh Thakre, Sujit Jadhav, Aniket Jakkulwar, Sanket Dudhe, Sarthak, Aru Mahesh.
Hand Ball
Yatika Rana, Shaikh Shizra, Rama Bendale, Subhangi Waghe, Sanika Chavan, Apoorva Walhekar.

Inter-Collegiate Chess Tournament 2019 was organized by College of Ayurved, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune. More than 10 colleges participated in the tournament, with 49 girls and 55 boys. Inauguration of the tournament was done at the hands of Shivchhatrapati Award winner and international coach Mr. Joseph D'souza. The tournament was conducted by Pune District Chess Association. Principal Dr. Abhijeet B. Patil and PDCA Secretary Mr. Rajendra Konde and University Sports In-Charge Mr. Netaji Jadhav addressed the players. Dr. Bharat Rokade, Dr. Umesh Ghate, Dr. Suvarna Shelar along with sport volunteers conducted the event.
